When Will AI Have Transactional Capability of the Human Brain?

Gary A. Fowler
7 min readJun 18, 2024



Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way since its inception, continuously pushing the boundaries of what machines can do. However, one of the most intriguing questions remains: when will AI have the transactional capability of the human brain? Understanding this question is crucial as it touches on the core of what makes humans unique and how close we are to replicating that in machines.

Understanding the Human Brain

The Complexity of Neurons

How Neurons Work Together

The human brain is a marvel of biological engineering, consisting of approximately 86 billion neurons. These neurons work in concert, transmitting information through electrical and chemical signals. This intricate network enables complex cognitive functions and behaviors.

Synaptic Connections and Plasticity

Neurons connect through synapses, where neurotransmitters facilitate communication. Synaptic plasticity, the ability of synapses to strengthen or weaken over time, is essential for learning and memory. This dynamic adaptability is a cornerstone of human cognitive capabilities.

Cognitive Functions

Memory and Learning

Memory formation and retrieval are central to human cognition. The brain stores experiences and knowledge, allowing for learning and adaptation. This process involves the hippocampus, a critical region for forming new memories and connecting them with existing ones.

Decision-Making Processes

Humans excel at decision-making, leveraging past experiences and emotional context. This ability involves the prefrontal cortex, which integrates information to make informed choices. Our decision-making is not just logical but also influenced by emotions and social contexts.

The Evolution of AI

Early Developments in AI

The Turing Test and Early Milestones

AI’s journey began with Alan Turing’s vision of machines that could think. The Turing Test, proposed in 1950, set a benchmark for machine intelligence. Early AI systems, like rule-based programs, laid the groundwork for more advanced technologies.

Rule-Based Systems and Expert Systems

In the 1980s, expert systems used predefined rules to mimic human expertise in specific domains. While limited in scope, they demonstrated AI’s potential to handle complex tasks within defined parameters.

Modern AI Technologies

Machine Learning and Deep Learning

The advent of machine learning (ML) and deep learning revolutionized AI. These technologies enable machines to learn from data, identify patterns, and make predictions. Deep learning, with its neural network architecture, mimics the brain’s structure, enhancing AI’s capabilities.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computer Vision

NLP and computer vision are pivotal in AI’s evolution. NLP allows machines to understand and generate human language, facilitating communication. Computer vision enables AI to interpret visual information, crucial for applications like facial recognition and autonomous driving.

Comparing AI and the Human Brain

Processing Power and Speed

AI Algorithms vs. Human Thought Processes

AI excels in processing speed and data analysis. Algorithms can sift through vast datasets in seconds, a task that would take humans much longer. However, human thought processes are more nuanced, involving intuition and contextual understanding.

Parallel Processing in AI and the Brain

Both AI and the human brain utilize parallel processing. AI’s neural networks process information simultaneously across multiple nodes, akin to how the brain’s neurons fire in parallel. This similarity drives AI’s ability to perform complex tasks efficiently.

Memory Storage and Retrieval

AI Data Storage Techniques

AI stores data in structured formats, making retrieval straightforward. Machine learning models can access and analyze stored data to improve performance over time. This method, while efficient, lacks the fluidity of human memory.

Human Memory Mechanisms

Human memory is associative and context-driven. Memories are linked to emotions, experiences, and sensory inputs, making recall a rich and multifaceted process. This complexity is challenging to replicate in AI systems.

Transactional Capabilities of the Human Brain

What Are Transactional Capabilities?

Communication and Social Interactions

Transactional capabilities encompass the brain’s ability to engage in social interactions and communication. Humans effortlessly navigate conversations, understanding nuances and responding appropriately.

Adaptability and Learning

The brain’s adaptability allows for continuous learning and adjustment. Humans learn from experiences, adapting behaviors and strategies to new situations, a trait AI is still striving to perfect.

Emotional Intelligence and Intuition

Empathy and Understanding Context

Emotional intelligence involves understanding and responding to others’ emotions. Empathy, a key component, enables humans to connect on a deeper level. AI struggles with this, often missing subtle emotional cues.

Pattern Recognition and Predictive Abilities

Humans excel at recognizing patterns and making predictions based on incomplete information. This intuition is honed through life experiences and is difficult for AI to emulate fully.

Current State of AI’s Transactional Abilities

Advances in AI Communication

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants have made significant strides in communication. They can handle customer inquiries, provide information, and even engage in basic conversations, but their understanding remains limited.

AI in Customer Service

AI is transforming customer service by providing quick and accurate responses. However, the ability to handle complex, emotionally charged interactions is still beyond current AI capabilities.

AI’s Learning and Adaptability

Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning enables AI to learn from interactions, improving performance over time. This trial-and-error approach mimics aspects of human learning but lacks the depth of human intuition.

Transfer Learning

Transfer learning allows AI to apply knowledge from one domain to another, enhancing adaptability. While promising, it is still in the early stages compared to human learning flexibility.

Challenges in Achieving Human-Like Transactional Capabilities

Complexity of Human Emotions

Understanding and Replicating Emotions

AI faces significant challenges in understanding and replicating human emotions. Emotions are complex, context-dependent, and intertwined with personal experiences, making them difficult to model.

Ethical Considerations

Replicating human emotions in AI raises ethical concerns. Ensuring AI behaves ethically and respects human values is critical to its acceptance and integration into society.

Contextual Understanding

Nuances in Human Communication

Human communication is rich with subtleties, including tone, body language, and cultural context. AI’s inability to fully grasp these nuances limits its transactional capabilities.

While AI systems have made strides in understanding context through advancements in natural language processing (NLP), they still struggle with the depth and breadth of human contextual awareness. For instance, sarcasm, idioms, and cultural references often elude AI, leading to misinterpretations. This limitation poses a significant barrier to achieving human-like transactional capabilities.

Future Prospects

Ongoing Research and Innovations

Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs)

One of the most exciting areas of research is Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs). These devices aim to create direct communication pathways between the brain and external devices. BCIs hold the potential to bridge the gap between human cognitive processes and machine capabilities, enhancing AI’s transactional abilities by directly tapping into the human brain’s functionality.

Neuromorphic Computing

Neuromorphic computing involves designing computer systems inspired by the human brain’s architecture and functioning. By mimicking neuronal structures and processes, neuromorphic chips could enable AI to process information more efficiently and adaptively, much like the human brain. This approach could significantly advance AI’s ability to replicate human transactional capabilities.

Predictions and Timelines

Expert Opinions

Experts have varied opinions on when AI might achieve human-like transactional capabilities. Some believe it could happen within the next few decades, while others are more skeptical, citing the complexity of human cognition and emotions as significant hurdles. Nonetheless, the consensus is that substantial progress is likely, driven by continuous advancements in AI research and technology.

Technological Milestones to Watch

Key milestones to watch for include breakthroughs in neural networks, improved algorithms for learning and adaptation, and advances in integrating AI with human biology through BCIs and neuromorphic computing. These developments will be crucial indicators of AI’s progress toward achieving transactional capabilities comparable to the human brain.


The quest to develop AI with transactional capabilities akin to the human brain is one of the most fascinating and challenging endeavors in modern science and technology. While significant progress has been made, particularly in areas like machine learning, NLP, and computer vision, AI still has a long way to go to match the depth and complexity of human cognition and emotional intelligence. Ongoing research and innovations, such as BCIs and neuromorphic computing, hold promise for the future. However, understanding and replicating the intricate workings of the human brain remains a formidable challenge. As we move forward, ethical considerations and the need for contextual awareness will be crucial in shaping AI’s development and integration into society.


What is meant by the transactional capability of the human brain?

The transactional capability of the human brain refers to its ability to engage in complex interactions, including communication, social interactions, adaptability, learning, and emotional intelligence. It encompasses how humans process information, make decisions, and respond to various stimuli in dynamic environments.

How close is AI to replicating human cognitive functions?

AI has made significant strides in replicating certain human cognitive functions, such as pattern recognition, data analysis, and language processing. However, it still falls short in areas requiring deep contextual understanding, emotional intelligence, and the nuanced adaptability seen in human cognition.

What are the biggest challenges in making AI more like the human brain?

The biggest challenges include replicating the complexity of human emotions, achieving contextual awareness, and understanding the intricacies of human communication. Additionally, ethical considerations and the need for AI to behave in socially acceptable ways add layers of complexity to this endeavor.

Can AI ever fully understand human emotions?

While AI can be trained to recognize and respond to certain emotional cues, fully understanding human emotions involves a level of depth and context that is currently beyond AI’s capabilities. Human emotions are deeply tied to personal experiences and social contexts, making them challenging to model accurately.

What advancements are needed for AI to achieve human-like transactional capabilities?

Key advancements needed include improvements in neural networks, better algorithms for learning and adaptation, and breakthroughs in brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) and neuromorphic computing. These technologies could help bridge the gap between human cognitive processes and AI capabilities, bringing us closer to achieving human-like transactional abilities in machines.



Gary A. Fowler

Founder & CEO of GSDVS, Generative AI Guy, Speaker, Author, Investor and Venture Scaler