The Origins of Superman: Myth and Modern Hero

Gary A. Fowler
4 min readMay 11, 2024


Superman, one of the most iconic characters in comic book history, was created in 1938 by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. As a character, Superman has always been depicted as more than just a hero; he is a symbol of hope and justice, traits that are often associated with significant historical and mythological figures. This section explores the origins and the multiple layers of influence that have shaped Superman into the hero we know today.

The Creation of Superman: Influences and Inspirations

Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, young creators inspired by the tales of old and the societal challenges of their time, crafted a character that would soon become a global icon. Their inspirations ranged from the biblical stories of Moses to the strongmen of circus posters and films. In crafting Superman, they tapped into a deep vein of mythic storytelling that reflects humanity’s desire for a savior and protector, creating a hero who was both powerful and principally good.

Superman’s Moral Compass: Echoes of Jesus Christ

Superman’s ethical framework and his decisions often mirror the teachings of Jesus Christ, emphasizing themes such as sacrifice, redemption, and the salvation of mankind. His storylines frequently present him as a messianic figure, saving the world from threats too great for mere mortals to handle and making personal sacrifices for the greater good.

The Heroic Feats: Parallels with Hercules

Superman’s adventures often resemble the labors of Hercules, another hero known for his strength and courageous exploits. Both characters undergo trials that test their abilities to the limit, often facing seemingly insurmountable odds to protect and save others.

Comparative Analysis: Superman vs. Mythological Figures

The parallels between Superman and figures such as Jesus Christ and Hercules are not merely coincidental but are woven into the very fabric of his character by his creators. This section delves deeper into how Superman compares to these timeless heroes, highlighting the unique blend of mythological and spiritual themes that make him a relatable and inspirational figure in modern culture.

Superman and Hercules: Strength and Heroism Compared

Superman and Hercules share the foundational traits of extraordinary strength and a destiny to protect humanity. Hercules, known for his twelve labors, showcases his strength and valor to atone for past sins, much like Superman’s battles against villains are often seen as his fight against the evils of the world. Both heroes display a physical prowess that serves a greater moral and ethical purpose, transcending mere feats of strength to embody ideals of heroism.

Spiritual Symbolism: Superman as a Christ-like Figure

Superman’s role often aligns with that of a savior, similar to Christ-like figures in religious texts. His arrival from the heavens (Krypton), his life among humans, and his acts of sacrifice echo the story of Jesus Christ, who was also sent to Earth, lived as a human, and sacrificed himself for humanity’s salvation. The depiction of Superman rising from the dead in various comic book arcs also parallels the resurrection story, reinforcing his image as a symbol of hope and renewal.

Cultural Impact of Mythological Heroes and Superman

Both mythological figures like Hercules and spiritual icons like Jesus Christ have left indelible marks on culture, shaping ideals and moral values across civilizations. Superman, in a similar fashion, has impacted popular culture, embodying the virtues of truth, justice, and the American way. His story has adapted through decades, reflecting societal changes and the evolving landscape of what a hero can be.

The Role of Myth in Shaping Modern Superheroes

Understanding the role of myth in shaping modern superheroes gives us insight into the collective human psyche and the timeless appeal of characters who rise above the ordinary to achieve the extraordinary. Myths have always served as a way for societies to express ideals, fears, and aspirations, and superheroes like Superman are contemporary manifestations of these ancient narratives.

Superman in Popular Culture: An Ever-Evolving Myth

As a cultural icon, Superman has transcended the pages of comic books to become a symbol recognized worldwide. His adaptations in movies, TV shows, and other media reflect the changing concerns and hopes of society, much like how ancient myths evolved with their civilizations. Superman’s ability to remain relevant in modern times speaks to the universal appeal of his character and the enduring nature of the myths that inspire him.

The Influence of Religious and Mythological Symbols in Comics

The use of religious and mythological symbols in comics like those of Superman enriches the narratives, providing layers of meaning that resonate with a diverse audience. These symbols help to elevate the stories from mere entertainment to more profound reflections on morality, heroism, and human nature, inviting readers to explore deeper themes through the lens of fantasy.


Superman’s character is a profound blend of modern myth-making and ancient heroism, embodying traits of legendary figures like Hercules and spiritual leaders like Jesus Christ. His ongoing relevance and adaptability in media underscore the deep human need for stories that inspire and motivate us towards greater ideals. As both a myth and a mirror reflecting societal values, Superman continues to be not just a superhero but a cultural icon that speaks to the hero in all of us.

FAQs About Superman and His Mythological Parallels:

  1. How do Superman’s powers compare to those of Hercules and other mythological heroes?
  2. What are some specific story arcs where Superman is depicted as a Christ-like figure?
  3. How has the depiction of Superman changed with societal values over the decades?
  4. Can the influence of mythological and religious themes in Superman’s story be seen in other superheroes?
  5. Why does Superman continue to be relevant in modern media?



Gary A. Fowler

Founder & CEO of GSDVS, Generative AI Guy, Speaker, Author, Investor and Venture Scaler